The Blind man and the Everest

Δημοσιευμένο σε περιοδικό της Κυριακής από τον αγαπημένο μου μέντορα.

Θα ήθελα πολύ να τον συναντήσω...


  1. Και ήθελα να σου προτείνω το "Εγχειρίδιο του πολεμιστή του Φωτός" αλλά προφανώς το έχεις ;), προτείνω λοιπόν να το ξαναδιαβάσεις (κι εγώ μη σου πω) γιατί σίγουρα θα πάρεις απίστευτη θετική ενέργεια (είναι το αγαπημένο μου βιβλίο ever!! :)..)

  2. Hello,
    I saw your post by Coelho,

    what's your idea(s) about keeping the feet on the ground
    but still being open for Gods messages then?


  3. Dear Josephine,

    A man can see its whereabouts in many different ways. Each eye, perceives in a total different way actions, facts, "coincidences" and "luck" depending on openness of mind.

    There is a well-known saying which goes:"Mind is like a parachute, works better when open".

    In my life, a short life till now that is, I've learned not to take for granted anything neither to be a black and white thinker. I believe (because it's about believing) that every aspect of life has many, infinite perhaps grades of color. Some we can perceive. Others our eye isn't trained to distinguish. It's like radio waves. If you don't have a radio receiver, you can't hear anything. No matter how many radio stations are broadcasted in your region.

    Listening to God's messages. God reveals himself in mysterious ways. God wants us to succeed, in order to achieve salvation. God's wants us to be happy. God gives us suffering and allows evil to fight us in order to test our faith.

    In psychiatric terminology, believing that every single thing, even the smallest one, such as the bus came late and luckily i didn't lose it comes from God pulling the strings in order for us to be better, determines a simple neurosis.

    Now, returning to the concept of having the right "receiver" in order to "hear" God. The right receiver has some main requirements in order to work. Education is one of them. I'd like to make clear in this point that I'm neither an atheist nor an utter rationalist.

    However in my opinion, having the right bases and operating with criticism, sometimes criticizing our own selves and thoughts, can help us keep our feet to the ground while listening to God, the Universe according to Paolo, or whoever is out there that helps us become better people.

  4. interesting. thanks for the citation. Wanna join the thread in the fan-club?

  5. σου το χρωστάω,
    η ανακάλυψη του μπλγκ του Κοελιο, ηταν ωραια εκλπηξη...κριμα που πρεπει να κοιμηθω και λιγο, αλλιως εκει θα με εβρισκε το πρωι...


Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Ο Δρόμος (2005)

Το νησί μου
